Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

28 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Enfant de Bohême

Kepel, Gilles
Enfant de Bohême

L'auteur s'adresse à son père Milan, acteur et dramaturge, et raconte l'épopée des siens, entrelaçant le passé intime et la grande histoire. Depuis les forêts de Bohême, il part sur les traces de son aïeul Rodolphe, homme de lettres francophile et acteur de l'indépendance tchécoslovaque, venu à Paris à la Belle Epoque pour traduire Apollinaire, et de sa f...

CHF 35.10

Away from Chaos

Kepel, Gilles / Randolph, Henry
Away from Chaos
Away from Chaos is a sweeping political history of four decades of Middle East conflict and its worldwide ramifications. Gilles Kepel offers a clear and persuasive narrative of the long-term causes of tension while seamlessly incorporating on-the-ground observations and personal experiences from the people who lived through them.

CHF 38.50

Chaos und Covid

Kepel, Gilles / Pinnow, Jörn
Chaos und Covid
Die Lage im Nahen Osten hat sich im Zuge von Pandemie und Ölpreisverfall zugespitzt. Die gesamte Region leidet unter der vom Virus erzwungenen wirtschaftlichen Stagnation. Im Schatten der prekären Lage werden neue Verbindungen geknüpft wie das durch die USA vermittelte Abraham-Abkommen zwischen Israel und den Vereinigten Arabischen Staaten, das den ehemaligen Feind zu einem Geschäftspartner macht. Die von den Muslimbrüdern geprägte schiitische...

CHF 35.50


Kepel, Gilles / Roberts, Anthony E.
A landmark study of the rise of Islamic extremism, Jihad follows the history and spread of this new political-religious phenomenon from its beginnings as a militant rebellion in the Middle East during the 1970s to its culmination in a devastating onslaught on the West in 2001. Gilles Kepel explains how their jihad - or 'Holy Struggle' - aimed to establish a global Islamic state based solely on a strict interpretation of the Qur'an clashes with...

CHF 39.90

Away from Chaos

Kepel, Gilles / Randolph, Henry
Away from Chaos
Away from Chaos is a sweeping political history of four decades of Middle East conflict and its worldwide ramifications. Gilles Kepel, called "France's most famous scholar of Islam" by the New York Times, offers a clear and persuasive narrative of the long-term causes of tension while seamlessly incorporating on-the-ground observations and personal experiences from the people who lived through them.

CHF 52.50


Kepel, Gilles / Heinemann, Enrico
Mit wegweisender Klarheit und profundem Wissen durchdringt Gilles Kepel die komplexen Krisen und Konflikte, die seit Jahrzehnten den arabisch-islamischen Raum, seine Gesellschaften und die Welt in Atem halten. Wer Lösungen für die Zukunft des Nahen Ostens sucht, muss dieses Buch lesen.Die Lage im Nahen Osten ist unübersichtlich: Krieg und humanitäre Katastrophen in Syrien und Jemen, das komplexe Kräfte­messen zwischen Schiiten und Sunniten, di...

CHF 37.90

The Revenge of God

Kepel, Gilles (Institute of Political Studies)
The Revenge of God
The Revenge of God is a compelling account of the resurgence of religious belief in the modern world. Kepel compares Islam, Christianity and Judaism revealing the similarities between all three religions and uncovering a hidden and often disturbing reality.

CHF 31.90

Al Qaeda in Its Own Words

Kepel, Gilles / Milelli, Jean-Pierre
Al Qaeda in Its Own Words
To reveal Al Qaeda's inner workings, Kepel and his collaborators have collected and brilliantly annotated key texts of the major figures from whom the movement has drawn its beliefs and direction. The resulting volume offers an unprecedented glimpse into the assumptions of the salafist jihadists who have reshaped contemporary political life.

CHF 43.90


Kepel, Gilles
Beginning in the early 1970s, militants revolted against the regimes in power across the Muslim world. Their jihad - or 'Holy Struggle' - aimed to establish a global Islamic state based solely on a strict interpretation of the Qur'an. This title follows the history and spread of this political-religious phenomenon.

CHF 33.90

Bad Moon Rising: A Chronicle of the Middle East Today

Kepel, Gilles
Bad Moon Rising: A Chronicle of the Middle East Today
Gilles Kepel--a renowned expert on Islam--traveled to the Middle East as the US was still struggling with shock from 9/11. He made startling observations, which are presented in this compelling book. He spoke to young people, students, preachers, imams, militants islamists, and political leaders. Topics discussed are: the popularity of Bin Laden, resentment for America, and issues of religious fanaticism.

CHF 20.50

The Roots of Radical Islam

Kepel, Gilles
The Roots of Radical Islam
Written by a leading expert on Islamist movements, this work gives a perceptive account of the foundations of radical Islamic organisations, and offers insights into the structure, theory and tactics employed by the various groups as early as the 1970s in Egypt.

CHF 18.50

War for Muslim Minds

Kepel, Gilles / Ghazaleh, Pascale
War for Muslim Minds
The events of September 11, 2001, forever changed the world. In their wake, the quest for international order has prompted a reshuffling of global aims and priorities. Here, Kepel focuses on the Middle East as a nexus of international disorder and decodes the complex language of war, propaganda, and terrorism that holds the region in its thrall.

CHF 43.90

Allah in the West

Kepel, Gilles
Allah in the West
∗ Kepel is one of the World′s leading authorities on Islamic societies and movements. ∗ Comparative in approach, this book examines the significance of Islam in Western Countries. ∗ A new look at a topical and controversial subject, this book goes beyond the headlines.

CHF 42.50